SWELL SKULPTURE FESTIVAL AUSTRALIA – Guardians of Time Manfred Kielnhofer – modern art statue
7. September 2017
street art documenta kassel guardians of time manfred kielnhofer artfair artshow biennial triennial art festival artfest gallery museum art arts arte design
1. Juli 2017
guerilla public art documenta kassel artshow artfair biennial triennial artfestival guardians of time manfred kielnhofer sculpture statue art arts design theatre gallery museum
27. Juni 2017
public art documenta kassel guardians of time manfred kielnhofer artshow artfair biennial triennial art festival artfest gallery museum master art
25. Juni 2017
Kassel Documenta artfair show – Guardians of Time Manfred Kielnhofer
9. Juni 2017